Social And Physicological Attempt In Designer Specialization: Employer

  • Chernyavskaya V.S.

  • Gimaeva R.M.

  • Yagupova M.O.


The article presents the stage for the realization of the new scientific project connected with development of the structure motivation component requiring the consumer of the products design-creative activity. It is based on the example of women motivations in the choice of cloth. Context shows the scientific bases of competencies of the designer. The analyzed segment of labour market is connected with a vacancy designer. In detail Lit particularities to motivation woman choice of the cloth: factorial analysis of the main semantic notion, in accordance with choice of the cloth beside women on realized and non realized level. It is determined that structure to motivations of the choice of the cloth beside women on realized and neorealised level differs on selected factor. The results allow new models of designer competency.